Let's Talk about Fonts.. baby..
Let's talk about you and me..
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be..
(Singing that Salt N Pepa song in my head.. except replace fonts with that 3 letter word.. LOL) What can I say I'm a 90's kid and this is the first thing that popped in my head so why not!
So Letβs talk fonts.. There are about a million fonts out there and it is so easy to get caught up on trying to choose the main fonts you like.. believe me i know the feeling..
I can literally scroll for hours finding the perfect font, but iβll help make it easier for you. there are so many different types of fonts, but the 3 main categories I talk about here are below.
1. serif fonts ( a font with little lines at the ends of the letters)
2. sans-serif fonts ( sans meaning without the lines, a very straight font)
3. scripts ( there are sooooo many different types of scripts, but usually I determine the type of script in a brand based on your ideal client avatar, which we will touch on later! )
Another tip while downloading fonts.
Some are free for personal use only.. this is super important determining what you are using your font for, if itβs just for your instagram, totally fine.. if itβs for your packaging, tee shirts, or your main logo.. I definitely advise on purchasing the font.
Here are a few of my favorite fonts based on these three categories!
Why Your Business needs more than just a logo.
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